How we got started
FAAPA was always a dream for some of us. Most of our guys have been playing spring for a while, but knew nothing
about eachother. Getting enough people for the associaton was tough and took about 4-5 months. We stumbled on
most of our members by chance, starting up random conversations with friends, slowly feeling out new players. We also
started to spark intrest in other non-airsofters by inviting nubes to play and use some of our extra gear. It has just
slowly grown from there. We only expect to have 15-20 members right now, so it is fairly small, but big enough
to warrant our existence.
The Association was officialy started on 01/05/05 under the title of the Fremont Area Airsoft League (FAAL). Originaly
there were three teams, Badger, Poncho and Delta. However the elimination style games created serious problems between players.
It was rare to have complete teams to play against eachother. Due to this, FAAL was changed and resurected as the Fremont
Area Airsoft Players Association. With help of newcommers, FAAPA has taken off. We currently run Re-spawn style, team objective
based games. We promote a friendly, sportsman like atmosphere with emphasis on teamwork and safety.
Our Vision for FAAPA
The general consensus in FAAPA is that the Association should "stay the course" and continue on the current path to provide
a place for airsofters to come together and have a good time and enjoy our chosen sport. We will attempt to put on more,
large 'themed games' in the same general style of OP: White Knight. We are always open to suggestions for ways to improve
our games. Any person who wishes to offer thier assistance in running FAAPA is more than welcome to ask. We will likely
find a way that you can assist.