This gun was bought as a replacement for my Falcon pistol. What an improvement!!!
The real P-99 is a small 9mm semi automatic pistol, made by Smith & Wesson and also by Walther.
It is the standard sidearm for German local police. The stubby little semi-auto has a futureistic look and it is understandable
why it showed up in James Bond.
The P-99 is extremly well detailed. It has all of the original trademarks from Walther, something
that is becoming rare on Airsoft guns in the USA. Cybergun has even gon to the extent of creating a working replica
of the gun's system that shows a red dot on the back of the gun where the hammer would be that indicates if the gun is cocked
or not. Take off the red tip, and you can not tell the difference between the airsoft version and it's real steel counterpart.
The p-99 comes in three color variations: All black, all silver and a black/silver dualtone model. The gun looks
similar to a Glock, but does not carry the hatred smoetimes associated with Glock products. I for one hate Glocks
just because they all look the same, but that is just me.
Combat performance:
Where do I start? I love this gun. Cybergun got this one down right. Realisim must
have been a #1 priority for the designers. Everything on it is operational. You can also supposedly disassemble
the pistol, though I have not yet found out how. The saftey is on the right hand side and is a dial, not the traditional
button or switch. It can be difficult to use at times, so I always keef it in the fire position. The slide lock
works and stays open when you are out of ammo, something that is rare on spring guns. Dropping the mag is simple, requiring
you to press down on a lever located on the trigger guard. The magazine itself is weighted, adding to the realisim of
this piece. The packaging says that the clip hold 12 rounds, but I have managed to get 16 in. You should
be weary about doing this. The gun has a tendancy to jam if you overload the clip. Sadly, realisim went too far
here, as the clip lacks a speedload system, requiring you to hand load each individual bb.
In combat the P-99 is usualy VERY accurate, holding a straight line. Elevation is not always consistent,
but good enough. For a medium grade gun, the range is exelent, about 20-25 yards with .12s. It keeps right up
with the Deagle. Power is not the gun's strong point, but it gives you enough to get bye on. At longer ranges
you will need to tell your opponents when you see a hit.
I have only one complaint with this gun. It has a nasty tendancy to jam. When it does, the slide will
stick in a half open-half closed posistion. Fixing it is not hard. Just pull the trigger a few times to release
the slide and re-cock. When cocking, make sure to pull the slide from the BACK, otherwise you will prime the spring,
but fail to load a bb into the chamber.
The Verdict:
An all around good gun. If you love realisim, look no further. The P-99 is especialy made
for you. In combat, the Walther is a sidearm to be reconed with. With it's accuracy, opponents will quickly learn
to find cover. With several highcap mags, this pistol could ALMOST take the place of a lowgrade rifle. Still,
be cautious of the Walther's tendancy to jam at inconvenient times.
Our Opinion: Great gun for medium to long range enagements. Sadly
it is now almost impossible to find. Big 5 no longer carries them, so you have to go online. Try
I have not seen a Cybergun P-99 being sold anywhere online recently, so if you like the look, try and get
a KWA model instead. The quality should be the same from a manuacturer like KWA.