Synopsis- This is a Battlefield 1942 stlye game. Simple rules. We
will set up two or four controll points. Each team will start out at their own HQ. At game start,
each team will be at thier starting HQ and battle it out to gain conroll of as many CPs as is possible. Controll of
a CP counts as having your flag color displayed. The flag pole MAY NOT BE MOVED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!!. If
a team's flag is not fully secured onto the pole (all three velcro strips attatched is fully secured) ath the end of
the game, the CP will be considered Contested and worth zero points. Each CP is worth one point. The team that
controlls the most CPs will be considered the winner.
Note: CPs will act as spawn points. You may spawn at ANY CP that your team controlls.
CP Locations:
Road Clearing
Bunker Hill
Note that the CP locations are subject to change depending on the amount of players.
Time Limit: 30-45 minutes
Spawn Time: 3 minutes
Special Rules:
The Hill is out of bounds for this game.