Fremont Area Airsoft Players' Association

Hell Hole

What is FAAPA?
Op: White Knight II
Rules and Regulations
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Gun Reviews
Field Map
FAAPA Equipment
Game Scenarios

Synopsis: Two teams face off against each other in a furious battle over the Hell Hole!

This game works exactly like a one-flag conquest except the CP does not act as a spawn point for the controlling team. To take control of the Hell Hole, pull down the enemy team's flag and put up your own. Whoever controlls the Hole after 30 minutes wins!

Game time: 30 minutes.
Spawn points: Opposite sides of the Hole.
Spawn times: Instant!
Special Rules: Anything off of the Plateau is out of bounds!

Red Team
Size: 50% of all players
Armaments: Weapon of choice
Objective: Control the Hell Hole!

Blue Team
Size: 50% of all players
Armaments: Weapon of choice
Objective: Control the Hell Hole!
